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This web site is not an official web site of the Lake Ashton HOA, CDD, Management, or the Lake Ashton community.

The purpose of this site is to fill the gap left when, on 27 January 2011, the Lake Ashton Living website took down the resident discussion areas, that, until that time, afford this outlet and venue for it residents.

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Definition of Insanity

If you keep doing the same thing over and over again yet expect a different out come each time, is the definition of insanity.

In terms of CDD or HOA leadership, if the Lake Ashton Residents keep electing the same people and the same people associated with the various social circles, and then 'we' are surprised that NOTHING changes, IS the very definition AND example, of insanity.

Think about it; over the past 4 years, those running for CDD office and within office, have stated over and over again that 'they' fix our budget, they they will write Request for Proposals (RFPs) for contracts that give advantage to the Residents vice the developer, that new contracts can be obtained at a much lower cost than the ones we currently have, YET the CDD leadership continues renew the contracts that were originally created by the Developer for the Developer.

No one on the CDD has ANY EXPERIENCE in writing RFPs much less have any idea as to how to write these RFPs so that the Residents of Lake Ashton gain financially from these contracts.

While the CDD Supervisors claim they are developing new RFPs, have that asked anyone who has extensive knowledge in such things, to help them write them?  No.  Thus, don't be surprised that we get the same old contracts and management company in the end.  INSANE, right?

Thus, the CDD MUST return tax monies to those who paid these taxes and first do their job in finding cost effective and profitable RFPs / contracts for the community.

What is even more interesting, while this same CDD Board resisted holding the developer accountable for the road failures, even spent $78,000 of our money on lawyers, only to then NOT tell the very lawyers who were hired about the lifelong multimillion dollar road repair problem. 

That is right - the CDD Supervisor's only told the lawyers that the issue was LESS than $500,000 since they knew that based on this low figure, the lawyers would recommend not serving the lawsuit since.  However, if you call the law firm, they will tell you that they had no idea that it was a multimillion lifelong road problem.  Had they knew the real issue, the law firm would have recommended prusing the legal action in order to protect the LA Residents.

Now, the CDD is suddenly all concerned about our failing roads, such that they are illegally withhold tax monies that belong to residents, in order to now address road failure problems.

What do you think?  Do you think this is the kind of CDD leadership this
Community needs?  I welcome all thoughts on this issue.

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