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The purpose of this site is to fill the gap left when, on 27 January 2011, the Lake Ashton Living website took down the resident discussion areas, that, until that time, afford this outlet and venue for it residents.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What LAVA (Frank Ota) said and what he actually did

The previous posts documented that LAVA (Frank Ota) would ensure that the LA Residents would bear NO COST for the memorial.  That said, ask the CDD to produce copies of payments, any payments for the use of electricity since the memorial was competed.  

Thus, if someone is going to say one thing publicly and do another privately, is that the kind of leader Lake Ashton needs?  Think about it, it seems only Bingo cronies get elected to HOA or CDD office.  Frank is a big Bingo support and even received funds from Bingo.

Frank Ota asked me to help him gain community support for the memorial effort.  I made sure I fully understood the intent and desire of this project.  However, when the Bingo planning committee decided NOT to pay for their own electric feed but opted to plug into the LA electrical grid instead, I challenged Frank on this issue since by doing so, now ALL residents would be paying for the memorial which was contray to what he promised.

When Frank refused to install a separate electrical meter, I resigned from LAVA since this action brought dishonor to the very memorial and the memory of those who severed.  Thus I withdrew my support of that organization.  If they are going to lie about this issue, what else are they (Frank) willing to lie about?

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